Inspired by Manchester’s engineering past

Thanks to his donor-funded scholarship, Seth is able to pursue his passion in a city that has captured his imagination.

Being able to come to Manchester has enabled me to pursue my dream of a rewarding career Share on X

Discover how Seth's NAFUM scholarship enabled him to pursue his passion Share on X Donor support allows students to access a world-class education they might have otherwise have not been able to afford. Read Seth’s story Share on X

Seth Gottlieb hails from a suburb on the northwest edge of Washington D.C. He studied engineering at undergraduate level and then went on to work on the East coast. But once he began working as an engineer, he realised his interests lay elsewhere.

“I realised I cared more about the implications of engineering and what it does for people than the engineering itself. I wanted to understand how societal change drives technological change, and how technological change in turn drives societal change.”

Seth took the brave decision to change career path and follow his passion by studying for a master’s degree.

Choosing Manchester

The University of Manchester, home to the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, was the ideal place for Seth to study this phenomenon. He is currently looking at how Manchester has grown over the years because of science and technology.

“This city is the first industrialised city in the world. This is a primary example of industrial revolution and what it can do. This is a city where the people said ‘we are going to develop new technologies’.”

Studying at The University of Manchester provides the perfect platform for Seth to not only receive a world-class education in his field of interest, but also to immerse himself in a city that has a proud history of innovation.

“We’re producing technology in this city and have ongoing investment to continue developing it, and the city as well. I think that reflects how industrial technological pursuits built this city initially.”

‘A full-body experience’ in Manchester

“Walking around Manchester, I am surrounded by the history I am learning about in my course modules. My education here has extended beyond the classroom to become a ‘full-body experience’.”

This multi-layered experience confirmed to Seth that changing career path was the correct decision. It has made him more driven and inspired him to continue moving in that direction.

“This process of re-focusing has proven to me that I chose the right programme, and that The University of Manchester is the right place for me. The makeup of the faculty and its research interests sets my programme apart and always offers me new ideas and perspectives.

A new career goal

“After my degree, I’m planning to find work at a museum focusing on the history of technology. Someday, I’d like to be a curator using historical objects to tell stories. These won’t just be stories about the objects, but rather the stories these objects tell about the society and culture that created them.”

Benefiting from donor support

Seth’s North American Foundation for The University of Manchester (NAFUM) scholarship is funded by a number of generous donors in North America. Without this scholarship, Seth simply would not have been able to come to Manchester and have such an enriching experience.

“The scholarship made it possible to come here; I definitely could not have self-funded the degree completely.”

“If I hadn’t studied here, I probably would have had to put my career aims of going into a museum or doing anything related to history on hold. I probably would have been working as a practicing engineer, which wouldn’t have been as fulfilling for me.

“Obtaining a NAFUM scholarship and being able to come to Manchester has enabled me to pursue my dream of a rewarding career, and that’s a massive thing for me.”

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