Donations Change Lives: Students

Donations to Manchester ensure students from all backgrounds can access a university education and make the most of their time here

Share Discover the impact of donations on the University, its students and the wider community #DonationsChangeLives Share on X Together, the University and its supporters are helping disadvantaged students reach their full potential #DonationsChangeLives Share on X Learn about the donor-funded programmes that provide opportunities for young people locally and beyond #DonationsChangeLives Share on X

“Scholarships like mine give people the opportunity to change their lives, to broaden their horizons, to go out and discover.”

Callum Mogridge is an undergraduate student, and just one of many students at Manchester who benefit from donor funding.

At The University of Manchester, we believe that nothing should come between a young person and their education. That is why we have established programmes that give people the best chance possible to receive a world-class education, despite any obstacles that may stand in their way.

These programmes would not exist, however, without the support of our generous donors. Whether someone gives a large or small donation, they are having a direct impact on the way the University addresses issues in some of the poorest parts of the UK, and the developing world.

Widening access: Undergraduate Access Scholarships

Since 2005, 1,974 Manchester Access Programme (MAP) students have successfully gained a place at The University of Manchester, and support from donors has been invaluable to our students as they pursue their academic aspirations. The support these talented undergraduates receive through their Undergraduate Access Scholarship ensures they can access the very best their university experience has to offer, regardless of their financial situation or social background.

Mariam Ali, a recipient of a donor-funded scholarship following her completion of the MAP programme, said: “For me, coming to University was daunting. I didn’t have a lot of confidence in myself, and the thought of talking to educated professionals was scary. Thanks to university donors, I got to take part in the Manchester Access Programme. On the programme, I learned more about university and developed my confidence.

“Without my MAP scholarship, life at University would have been very difficult and even more challenging. I’m so grateful that there are donors like you, who allow students like me to embark on exciting opportunities and do things we never thought possible.”

Raising aspirations: IntoUniversity

With philanthropic support, The University of Manchester and IntoUniversity has created a community-based centre that will inspire talented young people living in the most poverty-stricken areas of Manchester to fulfil their potential and attain a world-class education.

The centre will engage directly with young people who are from disadvantaged backgrounds and are particularly vulnerable to educational failure, unemployment and fierce competition for relatively few training opportunities in Manchester.

In partnership with national charity IntoUniversity, The University of Manchester has established an after-school hub in Blackley, North Manchester, where we run a range of programmes to raise aspirations and improve academic attainment for children aged 7-18. Every year, up to 900 primary and secondary school pupils will be introduced to higher education through a tailored programme of workshops, out of school study, aspirational coaching, and personal support sessions.

Emergency assistance: Living Cost Support Fund

We understand that, even with the best financial planning for your studies, students may experience something unforeseen that results in them struggling to meet day to day living costs. Or a student may have a disability or caring responsibilities which means they have additional costs to cover to enable you to study at university.

The Living Cost Support Fund is available to students to assist them in overcoming financial hardship. Many of our donors choose to give to this fund so that students do not need to consider postponing their studies, or even stopping altogether, because of financial difficulties suffered through no fault of their own.

Katie Brown, a beneficiary of the Living Cost Support Fund, said: “If it wasn’t for the Living Cost Support Fund, I would almost definitely have left my course. My health was rapidly deteriorating, and something had to give.

“The Living Cost Support Fund is the last resort for many students before they give up on education. Thanks to the support of donors, I am able to complete my studies in good health and can now achieve my full potential.

International scholarships: Equity & Merit Programme (E&M)

Since 2007, with the help of donor funding, we have awarded E&M Scholarships to 12–17 students per year from Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Ethiopia, and formerly Bangladesh. This enables them to study full-time for one year for a world-class master’s degree at The University of Manchester.

Our aim is to help talented students from some of the world’s poorest countries to undertake postgraduate master’s degrees that are intended to fill a particular skills gap and enable students to contribute to the development of their home nation. These students meet our high standards of academic excellence but are least able to afford the costs of postgraduate study abroad.

Daniel Lugome, a Tanzanian master’s student who is a recipient of a donor-funded E&M scholarship said, “As a young professional with dreams of establishing myself as an expert in the field of communications engineering, the opportunity to study at this University is still dreamlike.

“I will forever be indebted for this opportunity and the only way to repay it is through working hard towards achieving the goals by which donors believed in me. They are making a lot of young people’s unimaginable dreams a reality.

These donor-funded programmes are helping widen participation amongst young people, whether they have limited opportunities, come from a disadvantaged background, or have fallen on hard times.

The support of donors means we can provide hope and possibilities to those who may not otherwise think of university as a realistic option for further education. The impact these donors have is immeasurable, but we hope these stories give you a glimpse into the transformative effect donations have on students at the University.

One thought on “Donations Change Lives: Students

  1. I’m Haftu, from Ethiopian future candidate of “Advanced Manufacturing Technology and System Management master’s program”, who’s viewing for the dreamlike opportunity of Manchester University on its E&M scholarship program aimed to help the society of developing countries through delivering of practical skills, knowledge, and funds honestly.

    This is truth, Manchester university is one from the fair and well known international service organizations that stands to support the global society(including from developing country) through mindset, technological advancement of young professionals, and other funds,that help us to leave out from poverty(skill and funds) and further to involve us in recent global competitions”

    At the end, I wanna to say one thing to global Individual and organizational fundraisers;
    “Donating to Manchester University through different way is mean that putting indebtedness on the international societies, and helping someone who will serve an illiterate society and technologically illegible peoples globally.” So, being one of those interested is expected from the whole globe fundraiser.

    Thank you for your commitments.

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