Meet our student fundraising team

Over the next few weeks, our amazing student fundraising team will be taking to the phones to chat to Manchester alumni all across the UK and USA. Find out what they’re looking forward to the most about their job.

Meet our student fundraising team Share on X Our student fundraisers are taking to the phones! Share on X Meet the student fundraisers behind the phones Share on X

This month, our amazing team of student fundraisers will be taking to the phones to chat to Manchester alumni just like you. They’ll update you on some of the amazing things that you and your fellow graduates have made possible. And they’ll explain how you can start or continue your support, now and in the future.

But the call isn’t just about asking for financial support. Our team of fundraisers are all students at Manchester. They love to hear the interesting stories, insights and advice from generations that studied before them. From halls of residence to memorable professors, societies to social events, our alumni might have more in common with our student fundraisers than they think!

Our wonderful team can’t wait to say ‘hello’. But before they do, why not meet them first?

Ria (Psychology)

Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I love studying at the University of Manchester and the opportunities it has presented me with, and I hope more students can have a chance at having a great experience. The role of a student fundraiser presented me with a chance to make a difference in reducing the economic barriers to education.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

I look forward to listening to alumni’s paths after graduating and how the university is continuing to evolve and grow. 

Ayesha (Medicine)

Where are you from?

I’m from Hull but grew up in Sweden and was born in Pakistan.

Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I became a student fundraiser get more involved in my university community alongside the other fundraisers, and also to connect with alumni.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

I’m excited to have amazing conversations with members of our alumni community, and at the same time help support my fellow students.

Wasima (Chemistry)

Where are you from?

Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

Campaigns like this mean a lot to me since I am a student who was a part of the Manchester Access Programme, and now receive the Undergraduate Access Scholarship . It has helped me so much with my university journey, and I’d like to do what I can to help other students who come from similar backgrounds to have the same opportunities and support I have had. 

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

Being able to help students from underprivileged backgrounds and working in a friendly environment. I’m also excited to hear about the alumni experience at university because it’s very different to university life now. Being able to talk to chemistry alumni in particular, to find out what they did with their degree and to be able to seek advice from them would be amazing.

Fizza (Medicine)

Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I wanted to dedicate a portion of my time to fundraising as I understand the importance of financial aid and believe everyone deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of financial circumstances. The money raised goes towards things such as scholarships or research, as well as architecture, all of which benefit students continuously.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

I am excited to be a part of such a charitable and exciting campaign, whilst maintaining contact with alumni.

Gemma (Speech & Language Therapy)

Where are you from?


Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

Firstly, the practicality of the role really appealed to me in that I wanted a job that could easily fit in around my studies. Secondly, I really believe in the importance of fundraising and its role in driving research and providing opportunities to those who might need financial support. I do also just love a good chat!

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

Hearing about what alumni have been up to since graduating!

Sophia (Chemistry)

Where are you from?

I’m from Pakistan. Whenever someone asks me which part of Pakistan I’m from, I cannot give an exact answer because I have been moving from city to city throughout my life. Thus, I have left a part of me in these various cities and taken a part of these cities within me. Now, I am in a completely new country, but this place seems like home too and a part of me feels like it belongs here as well.

Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I wanted to become a student fundraiser because student fundraisers help to raise funds for things that truly matter and things that can make a difference. Not only is this job a great learning experience, it is also a noble one.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

I’m most looking forward to chatting with alumni. I would love to hear about their experiences and their journeys. It would be a great honour to talk to them and even get some advice from them. 

Laina (Law)

Where are you from?


Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I knew that this role would not only make a positive impact on the University but also the community and potentially the world. Also, I felt like this experience will help me develop my communication skills which are essential to my current studies.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

I’m looking forward to being a part of growing the special projects that we’re going to be raising donations for and I’m also looking forward to interacting with alumni who have went through a similar university experience to mine and hopefully receiving some valuable advice!

Faatima (English Literature & Spanish)

Where are you from?


Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I chose to be a student fundraiser because I wanted to be part of a team that provided vital support for students within the University.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

What I am looking forward to most is connecting with previous students and working as a team to raise funds!

Jasmine (Law)

Where are you from?


Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I wanted to become a student fundraiser because I’m aspiring towards a career that involves plenty of charity work and campaigning, so this is the perfect opportunity for me to work on key skills.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

I’m most looking forward to ensuring that fellow students receive the scholarships and grants that they need to support them throughout their studies at the University!

Bea (English Literature & German)

Where are you from?

Greater Manchester

Why did you want to become a student fundraiser?

I wanted to become a student fundraiser because of all the great work the University does with the money raised, particularly its research and providing opportunities to students.

What are you looking forward to the most about being a student fundraiser?

I’m looking forward to working with other students as part of the fundraising team but also the chance to speak to and hear from alumni of the University.

Miriam (PhD in Quality of Life of Older Ethnic Minority Communities, and team leader)

Where are you from?

I’m from Brighton but have lived in Manchester for 6 years.

What are you looking forward to when returning to your role?

The best thing about being a student supervisor is supporting callers’ development and hearing such great conversations. I am most looking forward to working with such a close-knit team, working to provide important funding for the University. Being a supervisor has helped me develop my confidence and leadership skills.

Nadia (Dentistry student and team leader)

Where are you from?


How has being a student fundraiser helped you in your own development, personally or otherwise?

Student fundraising has really helped me with my confidence, as being able to hold a conversation with people I have never met before (over the phone!) is definitely a skill.  

If you’d rather not receive a call, or if you’d like to arrange your call for a time that’s convenient for you, please get in touch. You can email us at

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